Date and location: Jena, Germany, 9 – 11 October 2012
Organiser: Frank Martin Seifert, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati
Chris Schmullius, University Jena, Department for Earth Observation, Jena
Markus Reichstein, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena
The European Space Agency together with the University of Jena and the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena organised a user consultation meeting on global biomass. It was coordinated with the GOFC-GOLD subgroup on biomass. A better characteristic of the distribution and changes, and an improved quantification of regional and global biomass will help in reducing uncertainties in calculations of carbon stocks and fluxes in the terrestrial biosphere.
About 80 users of biomass information, scientists and experts in satellite biomass retrieval and modeling joint for the meeting at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena.
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The aim of this first GlobBiomass User Consultation Meeting was to survey users' requirements for global and regional biomass information, explore the feasibility of meeting them with today’s available satellite data and techniques, identify information gaps and set a list of priority requirements to be addressed by a future ESA-funded GlobBiomass project.
The agenda and presentations can be downloaded here.
Frank Martin Seifert frank.martin.seifert (at)