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HR Geo User Consultation Workshop

HR Geo User Consultation Workshop
Towards High Resolution Imaging from Geostationary Satellites
14/15 April 2010, Villa Grazioli, Grottaferrata, Rome

The user consultation meeting was held at Villa Grazioli, Grottaferrata (Italy) on 14 and 15 April 2010. 70 participants attended (see the list of participants).

The principal objective of the "HR GEO user consultation workshop" was to bring together stakeholders from key end-user communities and remote sensing experts to jointly review the "user requirements baseline" for EO applications that require high spatial and temporal resolutions, possibly with access to satellite observations in Near Real Time. The domains of EO applications that were covered during the workshop include environmental monitoring, disaster management for natural and man made hazards, maritime security and surveillance and land security and surveillance.

The principal goal of the workshop was to review and consolidate the demand, in the public and private sectors, for a high spatial resolution, fast response and high revisit satellite mission from a geostationary orbit, in order to define the primary mission objectives of a new class of Earth Observation satellites. Priority was given to those applications that have high socio-economical, environmental or strategic impacts (e.g. defence and security), in both surveillance and alert modes.

A roadmap has been elaborated to come to a "HR GEO consolidation workshop" in 18 months.

Final programme and presentations (by clicking on the title) are available below.


Wednesday, 14 April 2010


08:15-08:45 Registration and poster mounting
Setting the scene Chair: J-L. Bezy
08:45-08:50 Introduction to the meeting O.Arino (ESA)
08:50-09:50 The ESA studies on HR imaging from GEO satellites M.Aguirre (ESA)
09:50-10:20 Review and selection of applications of optical Earth observation at high resolution from high orbit S. Mathieu (Thales Alenia Space)
10:20-10:50 HR GEO Mission specifics, challenges & readiness C. Tourneur (ASTRIUM)
10:50-11:05 Coffee Break
Land security and surveillance Chair: M. Aguirre
11:05-11:35 Nighttime Lights From A Geostationary Orbit C. Elvidge (NOAA)
11:35-12:05 International Security Treaty Applications P. Norris (Logica UK)
12:05-12:35 Operational Use of Commercial Space-borne data in EUSC activities to support the CFSP: Current Practices and Perspectives A. Gamarra (EUSC)
12:35-13:05 Operational data requirements for Security Applications: the G-MOSAIC experience A. Di Federico (e-Geos)
13:05-14:30 Lunch / poster session
Maritime security and surveillance Chair: G. Campbell
14:30-15:00 The advantage of using GEO optical data for the EMSA satellite based maritime surveillance activities O.Trieschmann (EMSA)
15:00-15:30 Port of Valencia: EO needs for critical areas monitoring J.Yagüe (GMV)
15:30-16:00 High Resolution Data Requirements for Port and Shipping Management A. Houghton (ABP)
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-16:45 Potential uses of HR GEO observation in maritime surveillance H.Greidanus (JRC)
16:45-17:15 Satellite based Maritime Surveillance - Requirements on a HR GEO System D. Cau (Guardia Costiera Italiana)
17:15-18:45 Round table discussion
18:45-20:15 Cocktail / Poster session


Thursday, 15 April 2010


Disaster Management for natural and man made hazards Chair: M. Paganini
08:30-09:00 Nowcasting severe convective storm signatures using MSG data M. König (EumetSat)
09:00-09:30 Validation of the concept of HR GEO mission for floods and fires monitoring based on the exploitation of the critical analysis of a major disasters world database and crisis cases H. Yesou (SERTIT)
09:30-10:00 Fast response from space – what civil protection is expecting from HR GEO M. Judex (Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance)
10:00-10:30 High resolution - High speed access : key enablers for GMES emergency response services. SAFER's learnings after 30 operational activations G. Denis (Infoterra)
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
Environmental monitoring Chair: O. Arino
10:45-11:15 Oil slicks monitoring - From detection towards oil analysis from space V. Miegebielle (TOTAL)
11:15-11:45 Earth Observation approach and needs of ARPA Lombardia E. Zini (ARPA Lombardia)
11:45-12:15 CleanSeaNet: Complementing the EU earth observation based monitoring system for marine oil spill detection with optical data from GEO satellites O. Trieschmann (EMSA)
12:15-13:30 Final round table discussion + wrap up
List of Posters
Interactive Real-Time Video Satellite N. Angli (LuxSpace)
HR EO for LNG pipeline buffer maintenance J.Yagüe (GMV)
High repetition flood monitoring service (Past + rapid) N. Dosselaere (EUROSENSE)
High Resolution Data Requirements for Port and Coastal Monitoring A. Houghton (ABP)
The Sims Project For Monitoring Posidonia Oceanica Meadows In The Mediterranean F. Borfecchia (ENEA)
Mageaq: Monitoring Of The Atmosphere From Geostationary Orbit For European Air Quality J-L. Attie (University of Toulouse)
Second Level Processing Tools for Environmental Parameters Monitoring for HR Geostationary Sensors S. Mantovani (SISTEMA GmbH)
Rapid assessment of vegetation status using VIS and NIR observations in a data assimilation system W. Knorr (University of Bristol)
Impeding eruption by means of MSG SEVIRI data M. Musacchio (INGV)

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