HR Geo User Consultation Workshop
Towards High Resolution Imaging from Geostationary Satellites
14/15 April 2010, Villa Grazioli, Grottaferrata, Rome
The user consultation meeting was held at Villa Grazioli, Grottaferrata (Italy) on 14 and 15 April 2010. 70 participants attended (see the list of participants).
The principal objective of the "HR GEO user consultation workshop" was to bring together stakeholders from key end-user communities and remote sensing experts to jointly review the "user requirements baseline" for EO applications that require high spatial and temporal resolutions, possibly with access to satellite observations in Near Real Time. The domains of EO applications that were covered during the workshop include environmental monitoring, disaster management for natural and man made hazards, maritime security and surveillance and land security and surveillance.
The principal goal of the workshop was to review and consolidate the demand, in the public and private sectors, for a high spatial resolution, fast response and high revisit satellite mission from a geostationary orbit, in order to define the primary mission objectives of a new class of Earth Observation satellites. Priority was given to those applications that have high socio-economical, environmental or strategic impacts (e.g. defence and security), in both surveillance and alert modes.
A roadmap has been elaborated to come to a "HR GEO consolidation workshop" in 18 months.
Final programme and presentations (by clicking on the title) are available below.