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GlobCurrent User Consultation

A User Consultation Meeting (UCM) was held at Ifremer, France the week of 5 to 9 March 2012 to discuss a potential ESA DUE project dedicated to Ocean Currents.

The objective of the UCM was to evaluate requirements from invited scientific, institutional and operational users communities for high resolution oceanic currents from satellite data.

During the meeting scientists presented the state of the art algorithms to derive surface current from Altimetry, thermal and ocean colour optical signatures and using doppler radar wind or salinity signatures.

The UCM allowed the Agency to evaluate work necessary to improve the existing algorithms, prototype and implement them into demonstration products leading to demonstration services. For example, new synergetic interpretation of upper layer dynamics from 2D expression of surface features in satellite images were discussed. 

A preliminary Draft of the User Requirement Document (URD) was presented and developed at the meeting based on user requirements collected and the overall outcomes of the UCM. The URD will form the basis for a further invitation to tender that the Agency intends to issue within EOEP-4 programmatic framework in 2013.

Wednesday 7th March 2012
GMES Operational Services

 T. Brefort, European Commission

Overview of the ESA GlobCurrent DUE opportunity,  Aims and Objectives for the UCM and expected outcomes.

C. Donlon and O. Arino, ESA

 Session 1: Setting the Scene - Ocean Surface Currents from Space

Overview of Ocean Surface currents - Surface velocity observations from the Global Drifter Program

R. Lumpkin,NOAA/AOML

Modeling the global ocean circulation with eddy-resolving resolution

B. Barnier et al., CNRS

Ocean Surface Currents:  What we can do with Earth Observation?

G. Larnicol, CLS

How far can we go with the ESA Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Experiment (GOCE)? R. Bingham,
Univ. of Newcastle
Ocean Surface Currents: What we can do with Earth Observation at finer resolutions?

W. Emery et al., CCAR, Univ. of Colorado

Session 2: User Requirements for Ocean Surface Currents

NCEP usage and needs of ocean current measurements I. Rivin et al., NOAA
Impact of ocean surface currents on the ECMWF forecasting system for atmosphere circulation and ocean waves.

J. Bidlot, ECMWF

Ocean Currents at the Met Office E. Blockley, Met Office
Modeling drifts and waves at Météo-France: the need for observations of currents J. M. Lefèvre,
Météo-Fran ce
The GMES Marine Service and its Myocean project: a user and provider of surface current observations  E. Dombrowsky,
Current data assimilation and drift forecast models for search and rescue

C. Maisondieu, Ifremer

Ocean Currents: an O&G operator's nee ds V. Quiniou, T otal
GlobCurrent - User Benefits in the Offshore Industr y K. Millard,
H. R.Wallingford, Oxford
Ocean current integration in transoceanic voyage plans  M. Cochennec, CMA-C GM
Oil spill and chemical modelling: operational examples V. Gouriou, Cè dre
Currents needs for marine energi es Y. H. De Roeck, Ifre mer
Costa Concordia emergency: Satellite images and operational Oceanography in support of Italian coast guard, anti-pollution, and Operational activities. L. Caiazzo et al.,
Generale delle Capitanerie di Porto
Current data for sailing racing boat – routing simulation O. Douillard, Adrena
Ocean surface currents: The challenge for the 21st century G. Quartly et al., NOC
CNES interests in ocean currents monitoring J. Lambin, CNES
Ocean surface currents: some aspects of numerical model control, validation and operational use in the marine industry F. Bonjean,
Satellite and in situ fields experimentation in a turbulent ocean S. Speich, LPO


Thursday 8th March

Session 3: Ocean Surface currents: direct measurements and new high resolution challenges

Interplay of ocean current information from spaceborne  sensors
and from ground-based HF radars
P. Forget, MIO-CNRS
The Wavemill Mission: initial proof of concept results and needs from GlobCurrent C. Buck et al. ESA
On the Potential of Current Measurements by Spaceborne Along-Track InSAR R. Romeiser,
Univ. of Miami
Global and coastal surface current estimation from SAR F. Collard, CLS
New challenges for satellite altimeters: What characteristics are needed to capture ocean dynamics at meso and sub-mesoscales? P. Klein, Ifremer
On the use of sub-mesoscale tracer information for the improvement of altimetry-derived velocity fields J. Verron, LEGI
Surface circulation patterns in the western Gulf of Lion by in-situ detection of Lagrangian coherent structures F. Nencioli,
MIO Marseille

Session 4: Ocean Surface currents: Advanced product developments

Assimilation of information on positions of surface drifters in an operational system for ocean forecasting S. Dobricic, CMCC
Use of altimetric and wind data to detect the anomalous loss of SVP-type drifter-drogue M. Rio, CLS
Use of in-situ data and models for the Rio-Paris wreck search M. Ollitrault, Ifremer
Under-ice ocean currents production using satellite data J. She, DMI
The Ocean Surface Current analyses – Real Time (OSCAR) system (Presented by Rick Lumpkin, NOAA) K. Dohan et al., Earth and Space Research
Surface currents in the Mercator Ocean global and regional systems: validation against observations, use for application and feasible improvements B.Levier et al,
Reconstruction of ocean velocities from the synergy between existing SSH and SST measurements J.Isern-Fontanet, ICCC
Multivariate techniques and diagnostic models for the retrieval of the 3D ageostrophic currents at mesoscale from combined satellite and in situ measurements B.Buongiorno-Nardelli,

Parallel Session 5-1 : Ocean Surface Currents from Space : new potential from satellite product

Comparisons between altimetry-derived geostrophic current anomalies, in situ current data, SST and ocean colour observations M. Cancet, NOVELTIS
Singularity Analysis: a powerful image processing tool in remote sensing of the oceans A. Turiel, IMS-CSIC
Observation operators based on Lagrangian Coherent Structures for the assimilation of ocean tracer images O. Titaud, CERFACS
Inferring surface displacements from hourly SST fields: preliminary results P. Le Borgne,
Méteo-France CMS
A particle stochastic filter for fluid flow recovery from images E. Mémin, INRIA
Power laws and inverse motion modeling: application to turbulence measurements from satellite images P. Héas, INRIA
Characterisation of ocean dynamics from SSH and SST E. Autret, Ifremer
Reconstruction of velocities and SST with the variational method S. Ba,
Télécom Bretagne

Parallel Session 5-2 : Ocean Surface Currents: regional analysis and needs

Some challenges of SST and altimetry observations in the Agulhas Current region M. Rouault et al., CSIR Cape Town
Estimation of geostrophic speed from altimetry in the Agulhas current: from gridded product to high r esolution J. Tournadre, Ifremer
Monitoring the surface inflow of Atlantic Water to the Norwegian Sea using Envisat ASAR M. W. Hansen, NERSC
Monitoring volume transport in a branch of warm inflow towards the Arctic by satellite altimetry B.Hansen, Faroe Marine Research Institute
Assimilation of HF radar currents in the Iroise Sea using EnOI S. Raynaud, ACTIMAR
Coastal ocean surface currents: melding HF radar observations and numerical modelling J. Schulz-Stellenfleth, HZG
A comparison between modelled ocean surface currents and HF radar measurements S. Louazel, SHOM
Oceanic assimilation and studies at ALYOTECH R. Mauge, ALYOTECH

A Celebration: 10 years of Marine Observations with ENVISAT

Official Opening P. Vincent, IFREMER
The ENVISAT Mission H. Laur, ESA
CNES presentation J. Lambin, CNES
ENVISAT Altimetry and its role in Operational Oceanography P-Y.Le Traon, IFREMER
ERS and ENVISAT (A)ATSR: the precision tool for global SST measurement C. Donlon et al, ESA
ENVISAT Wave mode story and achievements H.Johnsen, NORUT and F. Collard, CLS
ENVISAT (ASAR, MERIS, AATSR) the synergy precursor J. Johanessen, NERSC
ENVISAT contribution to the development of application and services, and future perspectives with the Sentinels O. Fanton D'Andon, ACRI
ENVISAT ASAR: a Boost for operational near real-time monitoring of the marine environment and maritime situation V. Kerbaol, CLS
The Sentinel 1 Missions Y-L. Desnos et al, ESA
The Sentinel 3 Missions S. Mecklenburg et al, ESA


Friday 9th March

Session 6 : Ocean Surface currents: impact on ocean wave models

MyWave - A pan-European concerted and integrated approach to operational wave modelling and forecasting - a complement to GMES MyOcean services O.Saetra, Norwegian Météorological Institute
Ocean current effects on sea states F. Ardhuin, Ifremer
Session 7: Open plenary discussion on key aspects of User requirements that could be addressed by the GlobCurrent project

Part-1: What are the recommended product and service requirements for GlobCurrent ocean surface currents?

  • Time and space resolution?
  • Format? (netCDF?) and Metadata? (CF v1.5?)
  • Uncertainty information?
  • Land/ocean mask and other Quality flags?
  • Ancillary data?
  • Specific challenges for Shelf seas? Open Ocean? High latitudes?
  • Delivery mechanisms and timeliness (NRT [3-6 hours], daily, 48 hours, others?)
  • Product search and query?
  • Product visualisation?
  • User Support?
  • How to validate services?
  • Any other issue of relevance for products and services?
J-F. Piollé (IFREMER)

Part 2: What are the recommended tools, techniques and data sets that are required by GlobCurrent?

  • Which Data for global ocean?
  • Which Data for shelf seas?
  • What are the essential data for GlobCurrent?
  • What are the essential QC Tools?
  • Which analysis and blending tools?
  • Recommended synergy/blending Techniques?
  • How to estimate uncertainty?
  • How to validate products?
  • Any other issue of relevance for tools, techniques and data sets?
J. Johannessen (NERSC)


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