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S2 Agriculture User Consultation - Presentations

At the Sentinel-2 Agriculture user consultation 50 users and experts from Europe, Africa and America met to discuss the capabilities and benefits which Sentinel-2 observations will contribute to the agricultural sector. It was widely agreed that the Sentinel-2 mission is particular well suited for agricultural applications such as crop area and status mapping in the frame of food security or precision agriculture. Specifically the potential of the high temporal revisit (5 days with 2 satellites) at 10 meter resolution was highlighted as a key feature for agricultural monitoring. Several recommendations for dedicated algorithm and tools development as well as demonstration needs were proposed for a future successful Sentinel-2 exploitation. These recommendations will be further consolidated in the next weeks in collaboration with the agricultural user community.


9:00-9:20 Sentinel2-Agriculture Project - Objectives and Scope
B. Koetz & O. Arino, European Space Agency
9:20-9:40 Earth Observation for Agriculture . State of the Art
F. Baret, INRA - France
9:40-10:00 Croplands maps and growth monitoring in Africa : operational practices and current challenges addressed by the JECAM initiative
P. Defourny, UCL - Belgium
10:00-10:20 The role of moderate resolution optical data in the GEOGLAM initiative
C. Justice, University of Maryland - USA
10:20-10:40 Agricultural monitoring in Europe . the MARS project
O. Leo, Joint Research Center - European Commission


Coffee Break
11:00-11:20 Agricultural monitoring in Africa Tesfaye Korme, Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RMCRD) - Kenya
11:20-11:40 EO requirements for Agricultural Monitoring in SADC T. Newby, Agricultural Research Council - South Africa
11:40-12:00 FAO Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) - The role of remote sensing in global, regional and national food security monitoring
P. Racionzer & S. Ahmed, Food and Agriculture Organization
12:00-12:20 Uses of EO data for WFP operations - possible roles for Sentinel-2
R. Bonifacio, World Food Programme
12:20-12:40 Remote Sensing Support to Famine Early Warning: Prospects for Uptake of Sentinel-2 Observations and Products
M. Budde & J. Verdin, USADI/USGS . USA


Lunch Break
14:00-14:20 Activities in the frame of rural development and food security - Federal Office for Agriculture and Food
H. Knipschild, Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) - Germany
14:20-14:40 EO requirements for irrigation in Portugal
J. NuncióENAREF (National Federation of Farmers Irrigation Associations) - Portugal
14:40-15:00 Current use and potential of satellite imagery for crop production management. The vision of ARVALIS after 10 years of experience
B. Desolan, ARVALIS - France
15:00-15:20 EO Discrimination of organic from conventional management between dream and reality
P. Ott, Ecocert SA - France
15:20-16:00 Discussion, Consolidation User Requirements & Planning of Next Steps Facilitated by ESA

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