Wednesday 27 June 2012 (Prestonfield Room) | |
13:30 | Registration |
14:00 |
Introduction and Objectives Simon Pinnock & Olivier Arino, ESA/ESRIN, Italy |
Session 1: Satellite remote sensing of Land Surface Temperature (Chairman: O. Arino) | |
14:20 |
Climate and other applications of 20 years of Along Track Scanning Radiometer LST measurements Fred Prata and Philipp Schneider, NILU, Norway |
14:40 |
The AATSR LST retrieval: state of knowledge and current developments Darren Ghent, U. Leicester, UK |
15:00 |
LST from the Eumetsat Land-SAF and EC GeoLand-2 Isabel Trigo, Instituto de Meteorologia, Portugal |
15:20 |
A Unified MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST) Record Glynn Hulley & Simon Hook, NASA-JPL, USA |
15:40 |
LST product development, validation and applications at NOAA/NESDIS Yunyue (Bob) Yu, NOAA-NESDIS, USA |
16:00 |
LST from Sentinel-2 and 3 Missions: a conceptual framework José Sobrino, U. Valencia, Spain |
16:20 | Coffee |
Session 2: User Needs - Climate Applications (Chairman: P. Thorne) | |
16:40 |
How can satellite LST inform / contribute to multi-decadal LSAT analyses? Peter Thorne, NOAA-NCDC, USA |
17:00 |
The EarthTemp Network Chris Merchant, U. Edinburgh, UK |
17:20 |
Development, evaluation, and use of 'all weather' satellite-derived LST for climate applications Catherine Prigent & Carlos Jimenez, OBSPM, France |
17:40 |
Potential use of Satellite LST for NWP and Climate Roger Saunders & Elizabeth Good, Met Office, UK |
18:00 | Welcome Drink (St Trinneans Room, until 20.00) |
Thursday 28 June 2012 (St Trinneans Room) | |
08:30 | Coffee |
Session 3: User Needs - Meteorology & Land Surface Processes (Chairman: R. Saunders) |
09:00 |
Verification of high-resolution mesoscale simulations using satellite-derived LST Maria Antonia Jimenez Cortes, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain |
09:20 |
Data assimilation of LST: the implications for hydrological modelling Darren Ghent, U. Leicester, UK |
09:40 |
Combining EO data streams to identify land-surface, atmosphere feedbacks Rich Ellis, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK |
10:00 |
Use of LST data for land surface model evaluation and calibration Catherine Ottlé, LSCE, France |
10:20 |
Use of LST products for operational monitoring of regional evaporation and biomass growth Henk Pelgrum & Wim Bastiaanssen, eLEAF, The Netherlands |
10:40 | Coffee |
11:00 |
The potential of LST for the European Drought Observatory (Possibilities & Needs) Guadalupe Sepulcre & Jürgen Vogt, EC Joint Research Centre, Italy |
11:20 |
Land surface temperature as the input to indices for drought monitoring in agriculture and monitoring of wetlands status in Poland Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland |
11:40 |
Identification of Land Surface Temperature and Albedo Trends in AVHRR Pathfinder data from 1982 to 2005 for northern Siberia Marcel Urban & Chris Schmullius, U. Jena, Germany |
12:00 |
User requirements for LST for Arctic monitoring and modelling Claude Duguay, U. Waterloo, Canada |
12:20 |
Surface temperature of ice sheets and sea ice from satellites Jacob Hoeyer, Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark |
12:40 |
Surface thermal analysis by EO data to support the monitoring of Italian Volcanoes Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno, Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:00 |
Session 5: Discussion (Chairman: S. Pinnock) Users' requirements for satellite LST, and what needs to be done to meet those requirements?
Conclusions |
15:00 | End of Meeting |