Paper 4 - Session title: Emerging Methods
14:40 On the use of extended vegetation-impervious-soil maps from simulated EnMAP data for characterizing urban functional areas
Okujeni, Akpona; van der Linden, Sebastian; Hostert, Patrick Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
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Paper 8 - Session title: Emerging Methods
14:20 Earth Observation in support of the City Biodiversity Index
Kleeschulte, Stefan (1); Gregor, Mirko (1); Jaeger, Jochen A.G. (2); Nazarnia, Naghmeh (2); Paganini, Marc (3) 1: space4environment, Luxembourg; 2: Concordia University Montreal, Canada; 3: ESA ESRIN, Italy
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Paper 41 - Session title: Emerging Methods
14:00 Characterizing Urbanization Processes in West Africa using Multi-temporal Earth Observation Data
van der Linden, Sebastian (1,2); Schug, Franz (1); Okujeni, Akpona (1); Hostert, Patrick (1,2); Hauer, Janine (3); Nielsen, Jonas Ø. (1,2) 1: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geography Department, Germany; 2: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IRI THESys, Germany; 3: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute for European Ethnology, Germany
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Paper 59 - Session title: Emerging Methods
15:00 Mapping Density with Intensity: Spatial Disaggregation of Gridded Population Density using Stable Night Light Brightness
Small, Christopher (1); Elvidge, Christopher (2); Yetman, Gregory (3); Baugh, Kimberly (2); MacManus, Kytt (3) 1: Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, United States of America; 2: Earth Observation Group, National Geophysical Data Center, United States of America; 3: CIESIN, Columbia University, United States of America
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