Forest degradation
Team |
BlackBridge (Canada) |
University of Wageningen (Netherlands) |
Users |
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Forest Carbon Prediction
Team |
VTT Technical Research Centre (Finland) |
University of Helsinki (Finland) |
Users |
Ministry of Environment (Mexico) |

Global Urban Services
Team |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) |
University of Pavia (Italy) |
Users |
Stockholm County Administration (Sweden) |
National Geomatics Center (China) |
Aquaculture management
Team |
ACRI (France) |
Bluefarm (France) |
Users |
ENSSMAL (Algeria) |
AMA, Associazione Mediterranea Acquacoltori (Italy) |
Space Technology Institute (Vietnam) |

Essential Biodiversity Variables
Team |
UNEP-WCMC (United Kingdom) |
ITC University of Twente (Netherlands) |
Users |
Sovon, Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology (Netherlands) |
Bavaria Forest National Park (Germany) |
Rothamsted Research (United Kingdom)

Water monitoring
Team |
Odermatt & Brockman (Switzerland) |
Brockman consult (Germany) |
Users |
UNEP-GEMS Water Data Center
Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS) National Focal Points |

City Biodiversity Index
Team |
GeoVille Environmental Services (Luxembourg) |
Concordia university (Canada) |
Users |
CBD Secretariat |
European Environment Agency (EEA) |
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) |
National Parks Board of Singapore (Nparks) |
Early warning of desert locust
Team |
IsardSAT (United Kingdom) |
CIRAD (France) |
Users |
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |
CNLA, Centre National de Lutte Antiacridienne (Mauritania) |
CNLAA, Centre National de Lutte Antiacridienne (Morocco) |
INPV, Institut National de la Protection des Végétaux (Algeria) |
CNLCP, Centre Nattional de Lutte contre le Criquet Pèlerin (Mali) |

Rice monitoring |
Team |
CESBIO (France) |
CAPGEMINI (France) |
Users |
National users of Asia Rice |

Vector borne diseases management |
Team |
Jena Optronik (Germany) |
Users |
Robert Koch Institute (Germany) |
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Switzerland) |

Urban monitoring |
Team |
DLR (Germany) |
Users |
GEO Global Urban Observation Task |
World Bank |

Forest mapping |
Team |
NORUT (Norway) |
Users |
OSFAC, Observatoire Satellital des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (Congo) |