ARPA-SIM, the HydroMeteorological Service of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, is involved in operational, research and development activities in meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology, radarmeteorology and environmental meteorology.
The user requirements of ARPA SIM in GlobWave project are:
Training course on use of satellite wave data retrievals.
Meetings to compare experiences of using satellite wave data.
Initiative to share high-res bathymetries "GlobWaveBathymetry database"
Portal for access to all wave data, incl wave spectral info, raw data and info on cal/val, software tools for data ingest, etc
Integration, harmonisation and cataloguing of existing (sat & in-situ) data streams.
Satellite wave data at 10km spatial resolution, or higher, in NRT.
Data assimilation procedures to be implemented in wave model