User Partnership

 User Workshops


  MWBS 2018

  MWBS 2015

  MUAS 2018

  MUAS 2015




 ATSR World Fire Atlas


 Sentinel-2 Time Series Emulation


Organismo Publico Puertos del Estados
Research Organisation

Oceanography and Meteorology

Measurement Networks
These networks are designed to obtain, in real time, detailed information about the physical features (waves, tides, temperature, wind, etc) of the Spanish territorial waters. There are four networks with different objectives: deep waters, coasts, current meters and tide gauges.

Forecast of waves, tides and sea levels in the Spanish coast based on wind and pressure parameters provided by the National Meteorological Institute (INM, Instituto Nacional de Meteorología) and the measuring networks data.

Data Base
The Oceanic Data Base includes information about the measurement networks as web as the wave generation patterns of the entity Puertos del Estado. In addition, the data base includes additional information coming from other entities and institutions.

