To develop knowledge on physical, chemical, biological, geological, geophysical, engineering and pollution aspects of the waters around India
To provide support to various industries, government and non-government organisations through consultancy and contract research
To disseminate knowledge on the waters around India
To understand and predict the impacts on coastal environment for advising protective measures for coastal health.
Modelling hydrodynamics, water quality and oil spill dispersion at select coastal regions (Eg: Gujarat, Konkan and Paradip) using POM, MM5 and MIKE models to study the impact on the coastal ecosystems.
Identification of land use/ land cover changes (Gujarat and Goa) due to anthropogenic activities and its impact on coastal zone
Mapping of coastal and estuarine waters off Goa for harmful bloom forming algal species (HAB)
Studying the transport mechanism and arrival of tar ball / oil residue to the Goa coast during monsoon – a pilot study
Waste assimilative capacity of select Indian coastal waters
Geospatial analysis of coastal data collected in GoK and Goa using GIS database