User Partnership

 User Workshops


  MWBS 2018

  MWBS 2015

  MUAS 2018

  MUAS 2015




 ATSR World Fire Atlas


 Sentinel-2 Time Series Emulation


National Group for Hydro-Geological Disaster Prevention
Research Organisation
The National Group for Hydro-Geological Disaster Prevention (Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dalle Catastrofi Idrogeologiche, GNDCI) is a research network of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The group is composed of research organisations from Universities, from State Administration, and from private and public organisations.

Since 1986, the GNDCI has been the operating group of the Italian Civil Protection Department (Departimento della Protezione Civile, DPC) for issues related to hydro-geological disasters, with the following main tasks:

  • Coordination of interdisciplinary activities to improve the scientific knowledge in the fields of civil defence against flood, landslides, aquifer deterioration and coastal erosion;
  • Provision of scientific and technical consulting in the field of hydro-geological risk, to the national, regional and local authorities, with particular attention to the civil protection authorities;
  • Management of the scientific community in support to the hydro-geological disasters mitigation activities of the Italian Civil Protection Department.