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Haut Commissariat Marocain aux Eaux & Forets et la Lutte contre la Desertification, Division des Parcs et Reserves Naturelles
Ministry or Agency

The Moroccan High Commission for Water, Forestry and Desertification Control (Haut Commissariat Marocain aux Eaux & Forêts et la Lutte contre la Désertification) has the mandate to elaborate and implement the governmental policy in the domain of nature conservation and sustainable development. This includes the management of natural reserves and parks.

The HCEFLCD Forest Service has the main mandate of conserving and managing state-owned forest and range lands. This mandate includes watershed management and responsibilities for the management of Morocco’s protected areas network. The Forest Service is the focal point of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and others such as the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

GlobWetland II