Name U Leeds
Full Name University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom
Company Type Research Laboratory
Address University of Leeds Woodhouse Lane Leeds UK LS2 9JT +44 (0) 113 243 1751 +44 (0) 113 244 3923
Contact Point
Number of Projects 5
Projects GreenSAR (CESN Host Institition) - Greenland ice sheet mass and velocity trends from CryoSat SARIn and InSAR dataAntarctic Peninsula Mass Balance (Prime contractor) - Antarctic Peninsula Mass BalanceCryoSat+ GLITTER (Prime contractor) - Estimating ice sheet grounding line location and ice thickness using CryoSat-2CRYOSAT+ CryoTop (Prime contractor) - CRYOSAT+ CryoTopCRYOSAT+ CryoTop Evolution (Prime contractor) - CRYOSAT+ CryoTop Evolution