6 June 2018 Scientists from around the world have used information from satellites to reveal that ice melting in Antarctica has not only raised sea levels by 7.6 mm since 1992, but, critically, almost half of this rise has occurred in the last five years. Antartica hikes up sea-level
16 October 2017 Recently scientists have discovered huge canyons cutting through Antarctica's ice shelves Secrets of hidden ice canyons revealed
5 July 2017 Even before the inevitable happens, ESA's CryoSat mission can reveal some of the future Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf berg vital statistics. Giant Iceberg in the Making
26 May 2017 ESA's SMOS mission has again surpassed expectations and showed the ability to measure salinity in small seas like the Mediterranean. SMOS brings Mediterranean Salinity into Focus
2 May 2017 Over two decades of observations by five radar satellites show the acceleration of ice loss of 30 glaciers in Western Palmer Land in the southwest Antarctic Peninsula. Satellites track Antarctic ice loss over decades
21 April 2017 ESA's Swarm magnetic field mission has now also met Steve and is helping to understand the nature of this new-found feature. When SWARM Met Steve
16 December 2016 Scientists have found a way of using SMOS and CryoSat missions together to yield an even clearer picture of the changing Arctic. Satellite Cousins Have Ice Covered
3 October 2016 ESA's Swarm satellites have not only measured Earth's magnetic field, but have also led to new discoveries about the electrical nature of inner Earth. Magnetic Oceans and Electric earth
27 July 2016 ESA's SMOS satellite has found a rise in fresh water in the tropical Pacific Ocean during last year's El Nino event. SMOS tracks Pacific Fresh Water Pools
12 May 2016 European scientists have found a way to super-charge their study of the ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland. Cryosat spacecraft's ice vision is boosted
10 May 2016 ESA organises the Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science 2016 Workshop, on 10-13 May 2016 at the Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science 2016
25 February 2016 Each year, about a quarter of the carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere ends up in the ocean, but how it happens is still not fully understood. SENTINEL-3 AND THE OCEAN CARBON CONUNDRUM
26 January 2016 3rd Carbon from Space Workshop organised by ESA, CEOS and the GCP 26-28 January 2016, Exeter, UK 3rd Carbon from Space Workshop
20 October 2015 ESA organises the Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science 2015, on 20-23 Oct 2015 at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. Earth Observation for Water cycle Science 2015
20 January 2015 Meeting Earth Observation and Artic Science Priorities (Jan. 2015) Earth Observation and Artic Science Priorities
26 November 2014 ESA organises the Ocean Salinity Science and Salinity Remote Sensing Workshop, on 26-28 Nov 2014 at Met Office, Exeter, UK. Ocean Salinity Science and Salinity Remote Sensing Workshop
28 October 2014 ESA and SOLAS organises the EO for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science 2014, 28-31 Oct 2014 at ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, IT. Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science 2014
16 September 2014 ESA organises the Workshop on Novel Mission Concepts for Snow and Cryosphere Research, 16-17 Sept 2014 at ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL. Workshop on Novel Mission Concepts for Snow and Cryosphere Research
6 May 2014 The European Space Agency is pleased to invite you to participate to the First Call for Research Proposals of the Living Planet Fellowship. The Living Planet Fellowship: Call for Proposals are now open
3 February 2014 Ice in northern Alaska’s lakes during winter months is on the decline. Twenty years of satellite radar imagery show how changes in our climate are affecting high-latitude environments. Arctic Lakes Show Climate on Thin Ice
22 January 2014 As global temperatures gradually increase, more water is expected to evaporate into the atmosphere. El Nino's Impact on Continental Evaporation
9 October 2013 ESA organises the 1st Intern. EO Convoy & Constellation Concepts Workshop, 9-11 Oct 2013 at ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL. 1st International Earth Observation Convoy and Constellation Concepts Workshop
3 October 2013 From Bob Brewin (Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK. Taking measurements in the Atlantic Ocean for ESA
24 September 2013 ESA and SOLAS organises the Air-sea Gas Flux Climatology Workshop, 24-27 Sept 2013 at IFREMER, Brest, FR. Air-sea Gas Flux Climatology; Progress and Future Prospects
13 June 2013 iLEAPS-ESA organises the iLEAPS-ESA Science Consultation Workshop, 13 June 2013 at MPI, Munich, DE. iLEAPS-ESA Science Consultation Workshop: Towards an iLEAPS Biosphere-Atmosphere Index
6 May 2013 ESA organises the Ocean Surface Currents Meeting, 6-8 May 2013 at ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL. Ocean Surface Currents Meeting
25 March 2013 ESA organises the 3rd ESA Changing Earth Science Network Workshop , 25-26 March 2013 at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, IT. 3rd ESA Changing Earth Science Network Workshop
20 February 2013 ESA, and SPARC organise the SPARC Data Requirements Workshop at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 20 - 21 Feb, 2013. SPARC Data Requirements Workshop
15 February 2013 For decades, scientists have disagreed about whether the sea is higher or lower heading north along the east coast of North America. GOCE Settles Debate on Sloping Sea
30 November 2012 After two decades of satellite observations, Clearest evidence yet of polar ice losses
21 November 2012 The world looks different through each individual’s eyes – and the same goes for satellites. An ESA team is working on merging these different ‘perspectives’ to produce more accurate satellite data products on our changing lands. Integrating Earth observation data
5 October 2012 This year, satellites saw the extent of Arctic sea ice hit a record low since measurements began in the 1970s. ESA’s SMOS and CryoSat satellites are now taking a deeper look by measuring the volume of the sea-ice cover ESA satellites looking deeper into sea ice
19 July 2012 ESA’s GOCE satellite is not only mapping Earth’s gravity with unrivalled precision, but is also revealing new insight into air density and wind in space. Gravity satellite to benefit future missions
11 June 2012 The ITT on the STSE, CarbonFlux, Ref. AO 1-7099 in ESA EMITS, was issued 11 June 2012 with a closing date of 30 July 2012. CarbonFlux: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
1 June 2012 The ITT on the STSE, CRYOSAT+ CRYOSPHERE, Ref. AO 1-7158 in ESA EMITS, was issued 1 June 2012 with a closing date of 26 July 2012. CRYOSAT+ CRYOSPHERE: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
16 April 2012 The ITT on the STSE, SMOS+ SOS, Ref. AO 1-7099 in ESA EMITS, was issued 16 April 2012 with a closing date of 29 June 2012. SMOS+ SOS: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
2 April 2012 The Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the STSE, WACMOS II, Ref. AO 1-7098 in ESA EMITS, was issued 2 April 2012 with a closing date of 7 June 2012. WACMOS II: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
20 March 2012 The Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science Conference will take place at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 13-16 November 2012. Topical Conference: Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science
9 March 2012 The first global high-resolution map of the boundary between Earth’s crust and mantle – the Moho – has been produced based on data from ESA’s GOCE gravity satellite. Understanding the Moho will offer new clues into the dynamics of Earth’s i Mapping the Moho with GOCE
17 February 2012 ESA and Univ. of Hamburg, organise the SMOSIce User Workshop at KlimaCampus, Hamburg, Germany, 17 February 2012.
SMOSIce User Workshop
14 February 2012 ESA and iLEAPS, organise the ALANIS Final Workshop at Alfred Wegener Institute, Potsdam, Germany, 14 February 2012. ALANIS Final Workshop
10 February 2012 ESA’s Earth Explorers have again shown how they are surpassing expectations. Designed to map soil moisture and ocean salinity, the versatile SMOS satellite has demonstrated that it can also offer unique information to improve hurricane forecasts. SMOS water mission turns hurricane hunter
20 December 2011 ESA’s SMOS mission is proving to be extremely versatile. Not only does this pioneering satellite offer crucial data on soil moisture and ocean salinity, but it can also map the thickness of ice floating in the polar seas. SMOS versatility offers sea ice mapping
14 December 2011 ESA’s SMOS satellite is designed to observe soil moisture and ocean salinity, but this innovative mission is showing that it can also offer new insight into Earth’s carbon and methane cycles by mapping soil as it freezes and thaws. SMOS detects freezing soil as winter takes grip
2 September 2011 The Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the STSE, Cryosat+, Ref. AO 1-6827 in ESA EMITS, was issued 2 Sept 2011 with a closing date of 18 Nov 2011. Cryosat+: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
14 July 2011 ESA and NMI, organise an 2012 International Workshop on Polar Lows in CIENS Resource Centre, Oslo, Norway, 21 - 22 May 2012. 2012 International Workshop on Polar Lows
6 June 2011 The Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the STSE, SPIN, Ref. AO 1-6762 in the ESA Invitations to Tender, was issued 6 June 2011 with a closing date of 12 September 2011. SPIN: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
3 April 2011 ESA in collaboration with Vienna University of Technology organise a workshop on WACMOS Project feedback in Vienna, Austria, 3 April 2011. WACMOS feedback to science community and water cycle roadmap in a changing climate
23 March 2011 An ESA project has recently demonstrated that new ways of processing satellite data can show how different properties of snow can be observed from space. ESA project reveals new insight into complexities of snow
15 March 2011 The Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the STSE, SMOS+Innovation, Ref. AO 1-6704 in the ESA Invitations to Tender, was issued 10 March 2011 with a closing date of 13 May 2011. SMOS+Innovation: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
9 February 2011 ESA, SOLAS & EGU, organise EO for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 29 Nov – 2 Dec 2011 Topical Conference: Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science
4 February 2011 The Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the STSE, OceanFlux, Ref. AO 1-6668 in the ESA Invitations to Tender, was issued 4 February 2011 with a closing date of 4 April 2011. OceanFlux: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
15 December 2010 ESA's Earth-observing satellites are helping to understand the intricate role that Eurasia's boreal forest – the planet's largest land ecosystem – plays in the chemical make-up of the atmosphere and the global climate system. Satellites unravel complex relationship between northern forests and climate
11 October 2010 ESA in collaboration with SPARC organise a scientific consultation workshop on SPARC Science Requirements in Zürich, Switzerland, 20-21 October 2010. SPARC Science Requirements Workshop
8 October 2010 The Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the STSE, EO-CONVOY: Land, Ref. AO 1-6556 in the ESA Invitations to Tender, was issued 8 October 2010 with a closing date of 15 December 2010. EO-CONVOY: Land: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
30 September 2010 The Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the STSE, SEN4LST, Ref. AO 1-6564 in the ESA Invitations to Tender, was issued 30 September 2010 with a closing date of 11 November 2010.
SEN4LST: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
12 May 2010 The Support To Science Element (STSE) is preparing a number of new opportunities. New STSE Opportunities for 2014
25 March 2010 Having a large-scale boreal forest biomass inventory would allow scientists to understand better the carbon cycle and to predict more accurately Earth’s future climate.
New boreal forest biomass maps produced from radar satellite data
18 February 2010 The Earth Observation for Land-Atmosphere Interaction Science Conference will take place at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 3-5 November 2010. Topical Conference: Earth Observation for Land-Atmosphere Interaction Science.
6 November 2009 ESA organised the First Workshop of the Changing Earth Science Network at ESA/ESRIN in Frascati, Italy, 12 & 13 November 2009. First Workshop for the Changing Earth Science Network
3 June 2009 ESA will organise the Remote Sensing of 3D-Vegetation Structures at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, 2 July 2009. Scientific Consultation Workshop: Remote Sensing of 3D-Vegetation Structures
11 May 2009 ESA and CLIC organise the Earth Observation for Cryosphere Science at the ICT Technologiepark, Innsbruck, Austria, 17 June, 2009. Scientific Consultation Workshop: Earth Observation for Cryosphere Science
20 March 2009 ESA and iLEAPS will organise a scientific consultation workshop, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 20 April 2009.
Scientific Consultation Workshop: Scientific Requirements Definition for the ESA-iLEAPS Atmosphere-Land Integrated Study
10 December 2008 ESA, EGU, ISPRS and GEWEX organise the EO and Water Cycle Science Conference at ESA-ESRIN, 18-20 November, 2009. Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science
20 November 2008 ESA has launched a new initiative – the Changing Earth Science Network – to support young scientists undertaking leading-edge research activities aimed at advancing our understanding of the Earth System. ESA fostering the next generation of Earth scientists
15 July 2008 Since the advent of Earth observation from space, satellite missions have become central to monitoring and learning about how the Earth works, resulting in significant progress in a broad range of scientific areas. ESA launches programme in support of Earth observation Science