
WACMOS II: Call for Proposal is now open for competitive tender
2 April 2012
The Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the STSE, WACMOS II, Ref. AO 1-7098 in ESA EMITS, was issued 2 April 2012 with a closing date of 7 June 2012.
The European Space Agency (ESA) hereby invites all interested companies from all eligible STSE participating countries to submit a tender for the WACMOS II procurement. If companies are not yet registered as an ESA bidder, they are invited to obtain access to EMITS by completing a questionnaire, which can be found at the indicated URL below.
WACMOS II aims at exploring the potential and fostering the scientific use of EO and in particular ESA EO data to advance towards the development of global evapotranspiration products serving two different communities: The climate community and the agriculture and water management community requiring datasets at different scales and time frequencies.
In particular, the main project objectives are:
-On the one hand, to develop and validate a dedicated and consistent/coherent Round-Robin Data Package including all the required input data products (EO-based data, climatic forcing data, in-situ observations) needed to derive and validate ET estimates at the required scales and time frequencies by using the most representative algorithms and methods proposed in the literature under the same equivalent and controlled€ conditions.
-On the other hand, to use the above reference data sets to perform a thorough round-robin algorithm validation and inter comparison exercise of the selected ET algorithm and methods in order to identify and characterise the different sources of errors of the different methods, while pointing out the different drawbacks and benefits of the different approaches.
-On the basis of this exercise the project aims at establishing a solid basis to develop the targeted benchmark ET products based on an optimal combination of ESA and non-ESA datasets at the required scales.