
First Workshop for the Changing Earth Science Network
6 November 2009
ESA organised the first Changing Earth Science Network Workshop for selected postdoctoral candidates to present their projects and preliminary results. The workshop took place in ESA/ESRIN in Frascati, Italy, on the 12 and 13th of November 2009.
In 2006, the European Space Agency published The Changing Earth: New Scientific Challenges for ESA's Living Planet Programme as the main driver of the new ESA’s EO science strategy. The document outlines 25 major scientific challenges covering all the different aspects of the Earth System, where EO technology and ESA missions may provide a key contribution. The new scientific challenges have been formulated under the guidance of the Agency’s Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) and in wide consultation with the scientific community providing the Agency with new scientific framework to build on past success by continuing to play a central role in developing the global capacity to understand planet Earth, predict environmental changes and help mitigate the negative effects of global change on the population.
Achieving the Challenges will require a significant scientific effort involving the development of novel observations, new products, data assimilation and improved models. In particular the launches of ESA’s Earth Explorers GOCE, SMOS and Cryosat-2 provide important contributions to answering questions raised by these challenges. In this context, and responding to a request from ESAC to enhance the ESA scientific support towards the achievement of The Challenges, the Agency has developed the Changing Earth Science Network as one of the main programmatic components of the new Support To Science Element (STSE) of the Earth Observation Envelope Programme (EOEP).
The Changing Earth Science Network aims at supporting young scientists in ESA Member States to undertake leading edge research activities specifically contributing to advance towards the achievement of the new scientific challenges of the Living Planet Program by maximizing the use of ESA EO assets.
The first call for research projects was published at the end of 2008 and resulted in the selection of eleven research projects to make essential contributions to dominant questions in atmospheric, oceanic, terrestrial and solid earth thematic areas.
Final Programme
Venue: ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
Room: Magellan Conference Room
Time: 14:00
Thursday 12 Nov 2009 (afternoon) |
14:00 |
Welcome & Introduction (Diego Fernandez, ESA) |
14:15 |
ESA EO Missions (Robert Meisner, ESA) |
14:45 |
ASSOCO: Assimilation of ocean colour satellite data to monitor the biogeochemical state of oceans and estimate its variability (Maeva Doron, Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels - LEGI/CNRS) |
15:15 |
OC-Flux: Open ocean and Coastal CO2 fluxes from Envisat and Sentinel 3 in support of global carbon cycle monitoring (Jamie Shutler, Plymouth Marine Laboratory) |
15:45 |
Coffee break |
16:00 |
DecPhy: Global ocean analysis of decadal covariability in phytoplankton and physical forcings through satellite remote sensing, in-situ measurments and upper ocean modeling (Elodie Martinez, Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche) |
16:30 |
ISMERD: InSAR Survey of the Magmatic Effects on Rift Development (Juliet Biggs, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford) |
17:00 |
ESA EO training and toolboxes for young scientists (Claus Zehner, ESA) |
17:30 |
Icebreaker |
Friday 13 Nov 2009 (morning) |
09:00 |
ESA GPOD Facility (Jordi Farres, ESA) |
09:30 |
INCUSAR: INverting consistent surface CUrrent fields from SAR (Knut Frode-Dagestad, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen) |
10:00 |
DIMITRI: DIagnostics of MIxing and TRansport in atmopheric Interfaces (Elisa Palazzi, Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima, ISAC-CNR) |
10:30 |
CHOCOLATE: CH4, H2O and CO from Limb middle-ATmosphere Emissions (Maya Garcia-Comas, Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia – CSIC) |
11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:15 |
OCCUR: Study of the chemistry-climate coupling in the UTLS region with satellite measurements (Enzo Papandrea, Department of Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bologna) |
11:45 |
CLARIFI: CLouds and Aerosol Radiative Interaction and Forcing Investigation: the semi-direct effect (Martin de Graaf, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute - KNMI) |
12:15 |
CARBONGASES: Retrieval and analysis of CARBON dioxide and methane greenhouse GAses from SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT (Oliver Schneising, Institute of Environmental Physics - IUP, University of Bremen) |
12:45 |
Closing Remarks |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Visit of ESRIN (max 1 hour) |