
New STSE Opportunities for 2014
12 May 2010
The STSE is an element of the ESA’s EO Envelope Programme IV covering a time frame 2012-2016 with a total budget for development of circa 12M euros.
The programme (see “About usâ€) addressing scientific support in the following areas:
- Novel Mission Concepts;
- Scientific exploitation of the Earth Explorers (Earth Explorer Plus Initiative);
- Scientific exploitation of ESA archives;
- Earth Science Flagship Projects (contributing to major international science efforts);
- The Changing Earth Science Network (post-doctoral support initiative);
For each of the above topics, ESA issues Invitations to Tender covering research and development activities in support of scientific institutions and industry in Member States.
Calls For Proposals on the STSE are announced on the ESA Electronic Invitation to Tender System (EMITS).
The Calls are open to competitive tender. Potential Bidders to the Invitations To Tender shall note that the Agency can only consider proposals from companies and organisations – be it as prime contractor or as subcontractor – having their registered office in one of the ESA Member and Associated States.
The following activities are under development and planned to be issued within 2014:
- GOCE+ Sea level: using GOCE to link tide gauges in the same global height system in coastal areas together with satellite altimetry and ocean models to improve regional sea level estimates.
- Swarm+: Set of activities dedicated to support the scientific exploitation of Swarm on key scientific topics such as nowcasts and forecasts of space weather phenomena, ocean applications (e.g., general ocean circulation and its seasonal variations) or mass changes in combination with GOCE and GRACE.
- SMOS+ Rainfall: Exploration of the potential of SMOS data to retrieve or enhance precipitation information over oceans and land.
- GOCE+ Antarctica: Exploring the potential of GOCE to improve lithospheric modelling in Antarctica and reduce uncertainties in bedrock topography.
- CryoSat+ Mountain Glaciers: Exploring the potential of CryoSat to map mountain glaciers over Himalayas and Andes maintain ranges.
- Antarctic Sub-glacial lake Atlas: Explore the potential of CryoSat to characterise sub-glacial lakes and water flow estimates in Antarctica.
- Swarm+ Space Weather: Exploring the potential of Swarm to improve space weather models.
- Swarm+ Gravity: Exploring the potential of Swarm, GOCE and GRACE to derive information on gravity changes associated to mass changes.
- GOCE-Swarm 3DEarth: Exploitation of GOCE and Swarm together with additional information (seismic, in situ) to generate the best model of the Earth interior.
- Couple Atmosphere-Land Virtual Lab: Collaboration with IGBP iLEAPS project to develop a global index to identify and characterise extends and hot spots in land-atmosphere interactions.
- Water Cycle in the Mediterranean: Collaboration with HYMEX to explore the potential of ESA and non-ESA datasets to characterise the ocean-land-atmosphere components water cycle.
Please check this page and the ESA EMITS for updates.