
WACMOS feedback to science community and water cycle roadmap in a changing climate
3 April 2011
ESA in collaboration with Vienna University of Technology organise a workshop on WACMOS Project feedback in Vienna, Austria, 3 April 2011.
The WACMOS project was motivated by both the increasing potential that the synergistic capabilities of past, existing and coming EO missions, in situ data and models may offer to the water cycle scientific community as well as the increasing needs for coherent long-term geo-information datasets required by scientists, modelers and operational institutions.
The primary objectives of the WACMOS project are to explore, develop and validate a number of novel multi-mission based methods and geo-information products that may exploit the synergies offered by current ESA and non-ESA data in support of the GEWEX community. In particular, the project addressed four main topics:
• Evapotranspiration;
• Soil moisture;
• Clouds relevant products: Surface solar irradiance and precipitation; and
• Water vapour.
Workshop Objectives
The results of the project will be presented to the science community at this workshop. The workshop will:
- Present the results of the WACMOS project to the GEWEX community;
- Promote the evaluation of the results and the collection of feedback from the scientific community;
- Identify synergies with existing projects and relevant initiatives;
- Identify further scientific developments and needs in order to enhance, improve, consolidate or expand the results of the project;
- Identify new areas of activities that may represent a basis for future ESA activities in support of the GEWEX community.
In addition to the presentation related to what has been achieved in the WACMOS project, recent significant international initiatives will be presented by invited experts and a roadmap for future actions will be recommended.
For information about registration, please visit this website:, or email for logistic support (free lunch and coffee breaks).
Venue:Â Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13, Vienna, Austria
Location: Boecklsaal (1st floor, Main Building)
Sunday, 3 April, 2011 |
09:00 |
Welcome (Wolfgang Wagner) |
09:05 |
Introduction and rationale for water cycle products (Diego Fernandez & Bob Su) |
09:30 |
Technical Presentation of WACMOS Results |
10:00 |
Theme 1 - Evapotranspiration |
10:30 |
Theme 2 - Clouds |
11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
Theme 3 - Soil Moisture |
12:00 |
Theme 4 - Water Vapor |
12:30 |
Lunch & Poster View |
13:30 |
Land Flux overview (Eric Wood, Princeton Univ) |
14:00 |
Use of Soil Moisture products for climate studies (Sonia Seneviratne, Univ Zurich) |
14:30 |
Why is water vapour important and how to measure it from space? (Stefan Buehler, Lulea University of Technology) |
15:00 |
Use of water cycle data products by ECMWF (Peter Bauer, ECMWF) |
15:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 |
Panel discussion – Water cycle science roadmap (Chair: Peter van Oevelen; Members: Diego Fernandez, Peter Bauer, Eric Wood, Sonia Seneviratne, Stefan Buehler, Matt McCabe) |
17:00 |
Close of workshop |