
1st International Earth Observation Convoy and Constellation Concepts Workshop
9 October 2013
ESA is pleased to announce that the 1st International Earth Observation Convoy and Constellation Concepts Workshop, will take place 9-11 Oct 2013 at ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Information on the workshop can be found HERE.
- To discuss science and application opportunities from Earth observation constellations across all Earth science domains.
- To present existing experience of Earth Observation convoys and constellations.
- To present the results of the ESA Convoy studies.
- To discuss the challenges of convoys and constellations.
- To discuss future Earth observation convoy and constellation concepts.
What is an ESA EO-Convoy
Over the next few years a number of new long-term operational Earth Observation (EO) satellites will be launched by Europe. These missions include the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) Sentinel spacecraft and EUMETSAT operated Metop satellite series. These missions will provide global, continuous and long-term European capability for systematic observation of numerous Earth system parameters.
If additional cost-effective missions could be flown together with these operational missions then the possibilities for meeting new Earth science and application objectives could be far-reaching e.g. fulfilling observational gaps, multipoint measurement of Earth system phenomena, etc.
Therefore, the European Space Agency (ESA) is funding three exploratory activities (known as the EO-Convoy studies). The aim of these studies is twofold: Firstly, to identify scientific and operational objectives and needs which would benefit from additional in-orbit support. Secondly, to identify and develop a number of cost-effective convoy concepts (comprising additional missions flying with European operational satellites), which would meet these identified objectives and needs. Each EO-Convoy study is dedicated to a specific theme:
- Study 1: Ocean and Ice
- Study 2: Land
- Study 3: Atmosphere
Each study is based on a comprehensive user needs analysis derived from Earth science analysis, applications and identification of novel data products. Based on this analysis a number of preliminary mission concepts are derived together with possible formation and constellation options. Up to three mission concepts per theme are then selected for detailed analysis including a roadmap for development.
Abstract Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit a 1-page abstract containing the following information:
- Title of paper
- Authors full name and affiliations
- Name, address, e-mail, telephone of the main author
- Proposed topic for the paper
- Presentation preference (oral or poster)
Abstracts can be submitted on the following topics:
- Existing Constellation Experience
- Results of ESA Convoy Studies
- Science and Application Opportunities
- Technological Challenges for Multi Satellite Flying
- Future Concepts
On-line abstract submission is available HERE.
The abstract submission deadline is 31 May 2013.
For changes to your abstract after submission, please access the following page and make use of your personal login and password (that you will receive with the submission confirmation email).
Authors will be notified of the decision of the Committee by 1 June 2013. Accepted authors will be requested to submit their full paper by 23 September 2013.
Workshop Programme
A draft programme shall be provided end of July 2013.
Registration for this workshop is free of charge.
Due to limited space, it is mandatory to register through the online registration form. Attendance is on a first come - first serve basis.
The online registration form is available HERE.
Hotel Reservations
More information on hotel reservations will be made available soon.
Calendar of events
for Abstract Submission |
31 May 2013 |
to authors (Paper or Poster) |
1 June 2013 |
Programme Publication |
29 July 2013 |
Paper Delivery |
23 September 2013 |
Conference |
9-11 October
2013 |
The conference will be held at the Space Research and Technology Centre of the European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC), located 40km south-west of Amsterdam International Airport.
ESA Conference Bureau
PO Box 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
T: +31 (0) 71 565 5005
F: +31 (0) 71 565 6558