
SMOSIce User Workshop
17 February 2012
A workshop to present the new SMOS ice thickness product, as well as the scientific and technical outcome of the ESA SMOSIce study will take place at the KlimaCampus of the University of Hamburg, Germany, 17 February 2012..
Potential participants are modelers, sea ice remote sensing and assimilation experts, as well as representatives from operational ice services and international projects (e.g. CliC, CCI) and potential data users. Contributions, conclusions and recommendations from the participants will be compiled in a workshop report.
Workshop details:
- Date: 17 Feb 2012
- Time: 9:00-18:00
- Place: Institute of Oceanography at the KlimaCampus, University of Hamburg
- Registration: until 15 Jan, 2012 by email to Dr. Xiangshan Tian-Kunze. If you intend to bring a poster please indicate the title.
Technical programme
- The SMOS Mission: Introduction (Yann Kerr)
- Validation: Sea ice thickness measurements in the Baltic Sea and in the Arctic (Stefan Hendricks, Marko Mäkynen)
- Algorithms: SMOS sea ice thickness retrieval algorithms (Lars Kaleschke, Georg Heygster)
- Uncertainties: SMOS sea ice thickness product validation, sensitivities, and uncertainties (Xiangshan Tian-Kunze, Nina Maaß, Rasmus Tonboe)
- Assimilation: Assimilation system for sea ice thickness (Frank Kauker)
- ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI): User requirements for the Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Sea Ice (Stefan Kern)
- Posters: All participants are invited to present posters during coffee breaks.
For more details and first results see: SMOSIce