
Earth Observation for Water cycle Science 2015
20 October 2015
ESA is pleased to announce that the Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science 2015, will take place 20-23 Oct 2015 at ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.
Information on the workshop can be found HERE
Recent advances in Earth observation (EO) satellites have made improved global observations of several key parameters governing the global water cycle possible. In the coming years an increasing number of EO missions (e.g., SMOS, AQUARIUS, SMAP, SWOT, GPM, Sentinel 1, 2 and 3 series, EarthCare) will provide an unprecedented capacity to observe the land surface, the oceans and the atmosphere, opening a new era in EO and water cycle science. The full exploitation of this capacity by scientific and institutional users, in particular for water resources management under climate change, requires coordinated research efforts to develop robust global, regional and local scale satellite observations, enhanced models and in situ networks. The purpose of this topical conference is to review our knowledge on the water cycle science at different scales in space and time; to advocate for the development of robust satellite geo-information data products to characterise and model the water cycle from global to basin scales; and to foster the improvement of models and data assimilation systems to support local, regional and global water cycle predictions, climate change impacts and development of mitigation strategies in water resources management
The specific objectives of this topical conference are
- To review the latest contributions of EO to water cycle science from global to basin scales;
- To assess the advances in the full range of water cycle satellite observations, their uncertainties and consistency: e.g., precipitation, clouds, water vapour, soil moisture, water levels, surface water and groundwater measurements as well as land and ocean heat fluxes and the Earth radiation budget;
- To identify the main needs in terms of novel and enhanced satellite
based geophysical datasets, algorithms and methods to ensure an accurate and consistent characterisation of the water cycle; - To identify the current gaps in observations and review emerging mission concepts and novel observational principles that may lead to future satellite observation systems;
- To assess the main needs in modelling and data assimilation of EO
based observations to improve our knowledge of water cycle science and our ability to quantify future changes in water cycle, extreme events and hydrological hazards; - To consolidate a scientific roadmap outlining the main priorities for the future.
- Observational gaps for water cycle science and applications;
- Novel mission concepts for water cycle science and applications;
- Advances in EO based products and retrieval methods for water cycle relevant parameters (e.g., precipitation, water vapour, clouds, soil moisture, ground water, surface waters, snow, heat fluxes...);
- Process understanding in water cycle science; e.g., extremes, heat waves, droughts, floods;
- Long term data records for water cycle and climate;
- EO assimilation into hydrological models;
- EO and the ocean components of the water cycle;
- EO and the Cryosphere component of the water cycle;
- EO for water management.
The Symposium is organised around oral and poster presentations.
- Sessions will be designed around dedicated topics related to the Symposium objectives.
- Presenters of both oral and poster presentations are required to submit full papers.
- Proceedings will be published by ESA.
- A summary report of the main findings and recommendations from each session will be given and discussed in the closing plenary session.
- The official language of the Symposium is English.
- No participation/registration fee will be charged. Participants are expected to finance their own travel and accommodation expenses.
Abstract Submission
Online abstract submission is available HERE
All abstracts have to be submitted by 30 April 2015. Submitters will be notified in July 2015.
The online registration form will be available
The Meeting will take place at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. Details for travelling to ESA
ESRIN are available HERE
Organizing Committee
Diego Fernández Prieto (ESA)
Graeme Stephens (NASA JPL, USA)
Michael Rast (ESA)
Peter van Oevelen (GEWEX International Project Office)
Sonia Seneviratne (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Scientific Committee
Ad de Roo (JRC, EC)
Albert Van Dijk, (CSIRO, Australia)
Alberto Montanari (University of Bologna,
Benjamin Koetz (ESA)
Bojan Bojkov (ESA)
Bob Su (Unversity of Twente, The
Carol Ann Clayson (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
Chris Kummerow
(Colorado State University, USA)
Christopher Kidd, (CMNS
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center, USA)
Diego Miralles (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Eleanor Blyth (CEH, UK)
Eni Njoku
Eric Wood (Priceton University, USA)
Filipe Aires (ESTELLUS, France)
Jared Entin (NASA, USA)
Jean-Francois Crétaux (LEGOS, CNES, France)
Jerome Benveniste (ESA)
Jorg Schultz (EUMETSAT)
Kevin Trenberth, (UCAR/NCAR, USA)
Massimo Menenti (Delft University
of Technology, The Netherlands)
Marc Schröder (DWD, Germany)
Matthew McCabe (KAUST, Saudy
Matthias Drusch (ESA)
Patricia de Rosnay (ECMWF)
Peter Bauer (ECMWF)
Christa D.
Lidard (NASA, USA)
Philippe Drobinski (CNRS, France)
Richard de Jeu (Vrije University of
Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Selma Cherchali (CNES, France)
Simon Yueh, (NASA JPL, USA)
Toshio Koike (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Vincenzo Levizzani (ISAC, CNR, Italy)
Wade Crow (USDA ARS, USA)
William P. Kustas, (USDA ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing, USA)
Wolfgang Wagner (TUW, Austria)
Yann Kerr (CESBIO, France)
Contact Points
ESA Conference Bureau
Via Galileo Galilei
00044 Frascati (RM)
Phone: +39 06 94180 912
Fax: +39 06 94180 902