Title Earth Observation - Land Data Assimilation Scheme
Thematic Area Land Surface
Cost 300 - 400 K
Action Line Novel Algorithms and Products
Status Completed in 2010
Missions LANDSAT 5, SPOT 5, LANDSAT 7, Multi-Missions
Objectives This activity aims to contribute to the improvement of our understanding of the Earth system and its processes by developing a generic Land Data Assimilation Scheme. Phase 1 - Scheme development: Assessment of previous approaches including an outline of their drawbacks (lessons learnt) Analysis of suitability of existing Radiative Transfer Models (RTF) models Development of an assimilation scheme (outlining different schemes and their analysis) First impact analysis tailored towards the CEOS Land Surface Imaging (LSI) constellation concept A generic land data assimilation scheme would have manifold benefits for the EO data exploitation and thus supports the expansion of EO user communities.
Phase 1 - Scheme development:
A generic land data assimilation scheme would have manifold benefits for the EO data exploitation and thus supports the expansion of EO user communities.
Project Partners NCEO : National Centre for Earth Observation(Prime contractor)U Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena(Subcontractor)JRC : Joint Research Centre(Subcontractor)FastOpt : FastOpt(Subcontractor)SciSys : SciSys UK Ltd.(Subcontractor)
Project Manager Jon Styles National Centre for Earth Observation University of Reading Whiteknights, PO Box 217, READING, Berkshire, RG6 6AH, United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 118 966 0554
Technical Officer Michael Berger