Name ALANIS: Smoke Plumes
Title Atmosphere-Land Interactions Study: Fire Plumes & Gas/Aerosol Dispersion
Thematic Area Land Surface
Cost 300 - 400 K
Action Line International Scientific Cooperation
Status Completed in 2012
Objectives The project aims at advancing towards the development and validation of novel EO-based multi-mission products and their integration into suitable land-atmosphere coupled models (responding directly to the specific scientific requirements of the iLEAPS community) for improving the estimation of plume injection height of biomass burning events occurred in boreal Eurasia and reducing current uncertainties in related greenhouse-gas and aerosol dispersion forecast. In this framework, priority activities include: To develop and validate novel advanced EO-based target products, namely: A smoke-plume injection height product obtained combining AATSR/ATSR-2 stereo retrievals and plume-height information extracted from the MERIS O2 band; A plume-dispersion tracking product of CO total column and other chemical compounds spatio-temporal fields derived from near-real-time IASI retrievals. To develop and validate a novel land-atmosphere coupled model able to explicitly simulate the main processes characterizing fire-plume dispersion, consisting of: A fire emission module adapted from the “fuel-mapâ€-based emission model used in EFFIS (i.e., the European Forest Fire Information system developed by JRC) exploiting both burned area extent information derived from MERIS observations, as well as GlobCover data A chemistry-transport module (based on the TM5 model) constrained by the IASI-derived plume-dispersion target product; A fire injection module (to be integrated into the chemistry-transport module) capable of taking full advantage (i.e., as input or constraint) of the (A)ATSR(2)/MERIS smoke-plume injection height target product; An advanced assimilation scheme based on the 4DVAR procedure. To generate an experimental dataset of both the aforementioned target products engendered for a consistent number of fire events occurred between August 2008 and August 2011 over the whole boreal Eurasia, as well as the corresponding emission dispersion forecasts obtained by employing the developed land-atmosphere coupled model.
Project Partners Noveltis : Noveltis France(Prime contractor)JRC : Joint Research Centre(Subcontractor)U Wageningen UR : University of Wageningen UR(Subcontractor)UCL : University College London(Subcontractor)LATMOS : Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales(Subcontractor)
Project Manager Dr. Jerome Helbert NOVELTIS Parc technologique du Canal 2, avenue de l'Europe F-31520, Ramonville Saint Agne France Tel: +33 (0)562 881111 Fax: +33 (0)562 881110
Technical Officer Mattia Marconcini