Name 3DVegLab
Title 3D Vegetation Lab
Thematic Area Land Surface
Cost 300 - 400 K
Action Line Novel Algorithms and Products
Status Completed in 2014
Missions Future Mission
Sensors LIDAR
Project Partners RSL UZH : Remote Sensing Laboratories UZH(Prime contractor)TUW : Technische Universitaet Wien (Subcontractor)UCL : University College London(Subcontractor)Netcetera : Netcetera(Subcontractor)CESBIO : Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO)(Subcontractor)TU Dresden : Technische Universität Dresden(Subcontractor)
Project Manager Felix Morsdorf Remote Sensing Laboratories (RSL) Department of Geography University of Zurich - Irchel Winterthurerstr. 190 CH-8057 Zürich Switzerland Tel: +41 44 635 5164
Technical Officer Benjamin Koetz